Justin Mueller
I’m Justin Mueller, a 23 year old Full-Time Forex trader. I had my breakout moment in my career when I discovered divergence. If you haven’t yet looked into this, I highly recommend you do so. You can learn this for free at BabyPips.com
I spent 5+ years learning, testing and revising different methodologies of trading, and I could never find a reliable way to backtest my discoveries. I found myself going to tradingview and manually looking at price from back in the day and playing out scenarios in my head. I knew there had to be an easier way…
2020 rolls around, and I had the amazing opportunity to take over ForexSimulator from the previous owner. He (Max) approached me with the idea of being able to share this software with the industry, so traders like me don’t have to wonder every day “how do I properly backtest my trading strategy?”.
I am excited more than ever to help you and your trading journey find what works, and fine-tune your knowledge.
Please contact me if you like my products and want to partner with me.